
Cell Phone World 0

Pavan | 9:09 AM |

Today , There is a situation that each and every person holding a cell phone in his/her hand . What does this mean does cellphones got cheaper or need of the cell phones increased or peoples income is increased???

I dont know which one of them is relevant to the situation but the situation is understood that people of India are buying many cellphones recent days. This situation is fastly grasped by many corporates and started cell phone business say yes......

Lava mobiles,Karbon,FLY,MicroMax,Spice,Samsung,Onida,........

and many more were not present just 2 years ago but now its a situation that which company mobile should we opt for .China cellphones worsened the situations more to the existing.Either because of competition or else other Cellphone costs are reduced drastically (ofcourse branded didnt reduce their costs) .So,Each and every one holds a cellphone in his hand.where does this end is there any problem ??

Many People say that the radiations from cellphone is injurious to health you can google it to find more but there are also some people who says that the level of radiations emitted by cellphones are not that harmful.But whatever may the actual thing we are adopting to technology but does this technology mean artificialness yes naturality is getting reduced day by day in our lives . I wonder whether after 50 years we will say our children and grand children that there exists green paddy fields and green forests..

however cellphones are not the reason here but ultimately the effects of technology and urbanisation hits mankind definitely there is no question about it.

One Note: Technology definition says that it is a practical application of science which benifits human .

does this hold today??????

what do you think???

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